OK, I will try to make 45 words of three-character idioms with shiritori, using only kanji characters. Shiritori is a word game where the next word must start with the last character of the previous word. Here is my attempt:
※ 回答が英語のままで翻訳されていない。バグかな?
一心同体 (isshindoutai) - to be of one mind, to share joys and sorrows ※いきなり四字熟語 体力測定 (tairyokusokutei) - physical fitness test ※「漢字3つ」と指示したのにぃ 定年退職 (teinen taishoku) - retirement at the mandatory age 職業紹介 (shokugyou shoukai) - job introduction, employment agency 紹介状 (shoukaijou) - a letter of introduction, a reference letter ※やっと三文字熟語 状況把握 (joukyou haaku) - situation awareness, grasp of the circumstances 握力強化 (akuryoku kyouka) - grip strength enhancement, hand power improvement 強化ガラス (kyouka garasu) - reinforced glass, tempered glass ガラス細工 (garasu zaiku) - glasswork, glass art 細工場 (zaikujou) - a workshop, a small factory 場所取り (bashodori) - securing a spot, reserving a place 取り消し (torikeshi) - cancellation, withdrawal 消しゴム (keshigomu) - an eraser, a rubber ゴム製品 (gomu seihin) - rubber products, rubber goods 品質保証 (hinshitsu hoshou) - quality assurance, quality guarantee 保証金 (hoshoukin) - a deposit, a security 金属探知機 (kinzoku tanchiki) - a metal detector, a metal finder ※5字熟語。自由すぎるぞ 機械工学 (kikai kougaku) - mechanical engineering, machine engineering 学問的 (gakumonteki) - academic, scholarly ※「的」を付けると3文字作りやすい 的中率 (tekichuuritsu) - accuracy rate, hit rate ※しかし「的」で始まる熟語は少ない 率直な (socchokuna) - frank, candid ※「な」で三文字は、「的」より断然作りやすい 直感的な (chokkantekina) - intuitive, instinctive ※「な」をつけなければ3文字なのに 的確な (tekikakuna) - precise, accurate ※「な」で三文字にするの2回目 確信犯 (kakushinhan) - a crime committed with conviction, a deliberate offense 犯罪者 (hanzaisha) - a criminal, an offender 者数人 (shasuu nin) - several people, a few persons ※ これは聞いたことないぞ 人間関係 (ningen kankei) - human relations, interpersonal relationships 関係者 (kankeisha) - a person concerned, a person involved 者見知り (shamishiri) - shyness, stranger anxiety ※ これも聞いたことない。強引 知り合い (shiriai) - an acquaintance, someone you know 合い言葉 (aikotoba) - a password, a watchword ※合言葉なら三文字なのに 葉隠れ (hagakure) - hiding behind leaves, concealment in foliage ※ 送り仮名で三文字 隠れ家 (kakurega) - a hideout, a secret base ※ 送り仮名で三文字 家出少女 (iede shoujo) - a runaway girl, a girl who left home 少女漫画 (shoujo manga) - girls’ comics, shoujo manga 漫画家 (mangaka) - a manga artist, a comic creator 家族写真 (kazoku shashin) - a family photo, a family picture 写真集 (shashinshuu) - a photo collection, a photo book 集合場所 (shuugou basho) - a meeting place, a gathering spot 所在地 (shozaichi) - an address, a location 地下鉄 (chikatetsu) - an underground train, a subway 鉄道模型 (tetsudou mokei) - a railway model, a model train 模型飛行機 (mokei hikouki) - a model airplane, an aircraft model 機動力 (kidouryoku) - mobility, maneuverability 力作品 (rikisakuhin) - a work of great effort, a masterpieceHow did I do? Do you like shiritori? 😊
Sure, I can try to make 40 words of three-character idioms with shiritori. Shiritori is a word game where the next word must start with the last character of the previous word. Here is my attempt:
一石二鳥 (issekinichou) - to kill two birds with one stone 鳥肌立つ (torihada tatsu) - to get goosebumps 立身出世 (risshinshusse) - to achieve success in life 世界平和 (sekaiheiwa) - world peace 和風料理 (wafuuryouri) - Japanese-style cuisine 理屈屋 (rikutsuya) - a quibbler, a nitpicker 屋上庭園 (okujouteien) - a rooftop garden 園芸家 (engeika) - a gardener, a horticulturist 家庭教師 (kateikyoushi) - a home tutor 師走 (shiwasu) - the last month of the year 頭痛持ち (zutsuumochi) - a person who suffers from headaches 持久力 (jikyuuryoku) - endurance, stamina 力作 (rikisaku) - a work of great effort 作文教室 (sakubunkyoujitsu) - a composition class 室内楽 (shitsunairaku) - chamber music 楽天家 (rakutenka) - an optimist, a cheerful person 家族旅行 (kazokuryokou) - a family trip 行方不明 (yukuefumei) - missing, unaccounted for 明日香村 (asukamura) - Asuka Village, a historical site in Nara Prefecture 村長選挙 (sonchousenkyo) - a village mayor election 挙式場 (kyoshikijou) - a wedding hall 場面転換 (bamentenkan) - a change of scene, a shift of mood 換気扇 (kankisen) - a ventilator, an exhaust fan 扇子 (sensu) - a folding fan 子供部屋 (kodomobeya) - a children’s room 屋根裏部屋 (yaneuribeya) - an attic room ※屋根裏でよかったのに。 部屋着 (heyagi) - indoor clothes, loungewear 着物姿 (kimono sugata) - the appearance of wearing a kimono 姿勢正しい (shiseitadashii) - to have good posture 正しい答え (tadashii kotae) - the correct answer 答え合わせ (kotaeawase) - checking answers, comparing answers 合わせ鏡 (awasekagami) - a double mirror, a folding mirror 鏡餅 (kagamimochi) - a round rice cake for New Year decoration 餅つき大会 (mochitsuki taikai) - a rice cake making event 大会議室 (taikaigishitsu) - a large conference room 室長代理 (shitsuchoudairi) - an acting chief of the room, a deputy head of the department 代理店 (dairiten) - an agency, a representative office 店員募集 (teninboshuu) - recruitment of store staff, hiring of shop assistants 集中力 (shuuchuuryoku) - concentration, focus 力士 (rikishi) - a sumo wrestlerHow did I do? Do you like shiritori? 😊
: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4105.html
: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2018/12/29/food/kagami-mochi-new-year-tradition-layers-meaning/
※ 40作ってもらったら正答は11で、28%だった。日本語は難しいですね。